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Preparedness for Your Pets

Friday, Mar 13

With the number of Coronavirus cases on the rise, the Erie Humane Society is preparing for the likelihood of an increase in animal intakes at our shelter.

This is a good opportunity to offer some preemptive guidance to the pet owners in our community. Having a plan of action in place is critical for pet owners. In the event of an unexpected, potentially extended illness, you can take comfort in knowing that your pets will be taken care of.

The Humane Society of the United States * recently released a toolkit for shelters prepare for a potential influx of animal relinquishment, they suggest taking these five steps to create your plan.

  • Have a Backup
    • Identify a friend or family member who would be willing to care for your pets in the event that you become too ill to care for your pets.
  • It's OK to Stock Up
    • While the general public rushes to raid store shelves of supplies, it's OK to stock up on extra supplies for your pets, including food, litter, crates etc.
  • Make Sure Vaccines are Current
    • Double check your pet's health records and make sure they are up to date on their vaccines. Our Pet Wellness Clinic offers vaccines at an affordable price. Call 814-315-9854 for an appointment or view our vaccine services on our website.
  • Make a Medication List
    • If your pet is on medication, compile a list documenting the medication, dose, and instructions for administering the medication. We recommend keeping your pet's prescription in the original bottle with the script label attached for easy identification.
  • Get ID Up to Date
    • Make sure your pet is equipped with proper ID at all times. Having a collar with an ID tag on your pet, can aid in their quick return home, should they become lost. Have your pet microchipped! Pet's with a microchip are more likely to spend less time at a shelter than a pet with no chip. If your pet is microchipped, make sure your current contact information is on file with the chip company.
Pets humans

While the coronavirus has invoked wide-spread concern, having a solid plan in place is a big help and a good place to start. Take a few minutes to watch this video and hear a veterinarian answer questions about pets and the coronavirus.

* The Erie Humane Society has no affiliation with the Humane Society of the United States. We are an independent, registered 501-c3 nonprofit organization.